Rob Morrill
Work with Tinkercad, Codeblocks, and the Maker Community
Tinkercad and Codeblocks can serve a huge array of 2D and 3D design and fabrication needs, particularly for 1-8th grades. The "scribble" feature on iPads particularly opens up Tinkercad to 1-4th graders, 4th-8th can find problem-solving and story-telling greatness with standard Tinkercad, and 5th-8th can add computational problem solving with Codeblocks in the mix. Tinkercad can work very well for many high school students, but that's also a good age to incorporate Fusion 360.
Below are original projects I developed as a 1-12th grade maker lab teacher. They ask students to use Autodesk products to engineer solutions, explore problems, and express ideas. Some of them integrate with products like the microcontrollers, servos, and robots often used in the K-12 space. I look forward to expanding my repertoire with deeper use and knowledge of Instructables and Fusion 360 for K-12.
I have worked to engage with the educational community through various channels. I have been making videos to help teachers for years, and I have presented at conferences since the very start of my career. Twitter has also become a powerful venue for sharing and connecting. Finally, I've collaborated with companies like Ultimaker, Adafruit, and Microsoft in educating, developing products, and in writing a book.
Students might design a set for a theater or literature class, then present live or through a standard or augmented reality video.
Here's a guide for how to present a 3D model via a screen recording of an augmented reality session. This can be a powerful way for students to tell the story of their work and ideas.
Everything except the wheels of this car is 3D printed. Students design and test their crumple zone bumpers.
These Tinkercad-designed chutes take this marble run to the next level.
Here are two of the many instructional walk-through videos I have made to help teachers and students with various topics. See more related videos here.
This informal video show my discovery of the iPad's ability to capture video of augmented reality exploration of a Tinkercad model. Students could make a cell, a geologic feature, a historical monument, or other model, then tell its story through AR.
The PinBox 3000 is great cardboard kit students can make themed pinball games with. This video walks through a project, which includes my 3D printed Micro:bit case and rubber band bumper posts.
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