Rob Morrill
Telemachus' Road to Adulthood

This project asks you to read analytically, write interpretively, think visually, and create with technology.
Your project will convey the ways in which Telemachus makes progress in coming of age in books 1-4 of the Odyssey.
You can use either Google Maps Engine Lite or the Hstry timeline creator to make your project. See resources below.
7+ quotations, including citations of book and line number, like: (4.100-111)
Commentary for each quotation in which you explain how it shows Telemachus making progress (or not) in areas like public speaking, leadership, and self-assurance
4+ images, at least one of which must be an original one you take. Images need the urls of their sources (remember, not just the solo image page, but the actual web page it came from)
1 video with brief text explaining what it is and how it relates (this can be related in any way, such as a documentary about quinceaneras)
1 article with brief text explaining what it is and how it relates (this can be related in any way, such as an article about bar and bat mitzvahs)
A concluding entry with a short paragraph about Telemachus’ progress
Extra awesomenesses:
An original Google map in your timeline
Multiple original photos
Edited photos with filters, cropping, etc. applied
Project resources:
My Maps Introduction--my overview screencast of some of the features of My Maps (formerly Maps Engine Lite). 2:08 min.
The website. This is a great timeline building tool with an intuitive interface.
Adding links to webpages in timelines--text or video explanation:
1) In the text box where you want the link to appear, paste this html code:
<a href="">Text to Appear</a>
2) Replace "" with the name of the site and the dot whatever follows (.com, .org. etc.). So, if I want to put in this URL:
I will replace "" with ""
3) Replace "Text to Appear" with whatever text you want to appear as the link. In this case I want "The Quinceanera Celebration" to be the linked text, so that's what I would write.
4) Hit the "View the Timeline" button at the top of the screen.
5 a) If your linked text works, you are now a computer coder; congrats!
5 b) If your linked text does not work, go back over these directions and follow them in excruciating detail. If they STILL don't work, email me, please!