Rob Morrill
Turn an iPad Google Doc into a Web Page
For various projects and purposes, you may wish to publish a Google doc as a web page. This is easy to do on a laptop but somewhat trickier on an iPad. Here are the steps:
Don't use the Drive app. Instead, use the Chrome browser app to access your Google Drive. Go to and sign in as needed. You may get a message like this, and you should use the "desktop" version here or whenever else you're asked.

If at any point your doc doesn't look like it does when using a laptop, you may need to click this arrow when it's pointing down in order to get the dropdown menu in the picture.
Then, once again, select "Use Desktop Version".

Now, you can select "File", then "Publish to the web..."

You can make check box selections, then attempt to copy the URL. See directions below if you can't copy it correctly.

I couldn't properly copy the URL from here on my iPad. It wouldn't paste the correct info into a browser.
My workaround was to select "share this link using" email.

The email will have the URL for you to copy; just be sure to only copy the actual URL, beginning with "https://"...
Now your doc is published as a web page, and any time you update the original doc, the web page version is automatically updated, too (if you kept that check box checked).